fascinate_3dNoted author, speaker and creative director, Sally Hogshead, presented on the topic, Radical Career Ideas for Radical Times at a recent National WLN Event . Drawing from research as well as personal experience, Hogshead shared her seven “must have principles,” the rules she’s devised to make oneself indispensible in the workplace.

Now the award-winning advertising executive turned brand innovation consultant Sally Hogshead reveals why fascination is the most powerful way to influence decision making, more influential than marketing, sales, or any other form of communication. “Without fascination,” she writes, “we can’t sell products, persuade shareholders to invest, teach students to read, or convince our own kids to stay off drugs.” Her new book, FASCINATE: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation, (HarperBusiness; February 22, 2010; hardcover) is a heavily researched and engaging look at what captures our collective attention and how we can create fascination in our lives and livelihoods.

Press Release: FASCINATE: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation

To purchase Sally’s book, please visit Amazon.com.

Every day, intentionally or not, you’re using fascination triggers to persuade people at work and home. Whether you’re pitching a new client, or inviting a friend to lunch, or lulling a cranky toddler to sleep, you’re using triggers to elicit a certain response.

Which triggers are you using to persuade and captivate?

You have seven potential fascination triggers: power, trust, mystique, prestige, vice, alarm, and lust. Each trigger leads to a different style of communication, and a different type of relationship. The more accurately you identify your personality triggers, and the more intelligently you hone them, the more influential your message becomes.

In the battle to fascinate consumers, brands apply triggers, too. Volvo uses trust. Godiva uses lust. Fedex uses alarm. Apple Computers uses several triggers, most notably prestige and power. Triggers help companies sell products off shelves, persuade shareholders to invest, and convince key employees to stay.

But back to you. Which of the seven triggers do you naturally apply in your own work and life? Which lie dormant in your personality? The F Score test will tell you.

Through proprietary research of 1,059 people, with bite-sized video explanations, the F Score has been carefully designed over the course of six months to highlight which triggers you naturally apply. How to hone and apply this new understanding? You’ll find all the details in FASCINATE: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation.