Meet Ellyn Spragins, NY Times Bestselling Author, To Learn How To Achieve Your Professional Goals

Boston Group
Boston Group

The advertising industry has unlimited career opportunities, and understanding how to navigate those opportunities to your own personal success can sometimes be challenging. Ellyn Spragins, a former New Your Times columnist turned bestselling author, provided insight into how other women have launched and grown their careers to help create a path for others in an event the Boston Chapter held back in January. Ellyn’s new book, What I Know Now About Success, was the topic to help guide in professional and personal development.

American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk - Together We Can Stop Diabetes


On Saturday, October 23, the Boston Chapter of the WLN participated in the 2010 American Diabetes Association Step Out Walk.  It was a beautiful day, high energy with thousands of people, adults, kids and even pets, all joined to help stop diabetes.

We built a team and created ways to raise money and to participate.  We got local vendors, media partners and clients to donate items for a raffle and held two raffles leading up to the walk.  FYI, raffles are a money maker and give folks a way to participate if they can’t walk.  We also held a T-shirt design contest among the agencies and the winning design would represent our team.  It is amazing what a strong, smart group of women can accomplish given the opportunity. We exceeded our goal and the ADA exceeded theirs.  All and all it was a lot of fun!  A great way to end a Saturday!

Put the donut down. Back away slowly, and hope they don’t notice your jiggly swagger

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Agency life is tough.  Long hours, frequent travel, and an overabundance of food.  We often wind up taking better care of our clients than we do of ourselves.  To battle the jiggle, our Interpublic Group’s Women’s Leadership Network hosted an event at Mullen that attracted 45 powerful agency women, keen to learn how to juggle an intense career with health and wellness. Read more

Boston WLN

Boston WLN focuses on encouraging and mentoring all women no matter what their level by offering opportunities to meet and network with others in the IPG Boston family.

Boston WLN has held a number of events connecting women in the various agencies to each other and hosting events that speak to work/life balance, what are the next right steps in each individual’s career and providing opportunities to learn from one another.

Boston WLN will be hosting networking events and hope to continue to help women in the Boston area reach their career goals.