Cindy Gallop slide "If nobody speaks up, nothing changes."IPG’s Women’s Leadership Network hosted a launch event under the group’s newly named executive board and National Chair Darla Price, on March 9, live in New York, with webcasts at 25 locations in the U.S. and U.K. Cindy Gallop, one of the most outspoken advocates for diversity in business, tech and advertising, headlined the event.

Cindy Gallop, Founder and CEO of IfWeRanTheWorld and makeLoveNotPorn spoke to a standing-room only crowd of 250 excited and engaged attendees about the surprising ways women’s individual lenses, skills and talents can bring more creativity and impact to their work.

Cindy’s presentation focused on 15 micro actions women can take to #Bethechange. Following her presentation, Cindy opened the floor to Q&A and closed to a well-deserved standing ovation.

Check out Cindy’s full presentation:

Micro actions

  1. Say what you think.
  2. State your ambition.
  3. Understand how your company makes money, and recommend new ways to make more money.
  4. Be your own filter.
  5. Say yes. Say no.
  6. Make decisions. Visibly.
  7. Make shit happen.
  8. Call out the barriers.
  9. Volunteer to be tested.
  10. Dress for presence.
  11. Call out sexual harassment.
  12. Build your personal brand.
  13. Make lots of money.
  14. Find champions, not mentors.
  15. Help change the numbers – fast.